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Outgoing President Tsai gives exclusive interview to BBC

May 20, 2024
Outgoing President Tsai Ing-wen details her achievements from 2016-2024 and discusses issues including marriage equality and the cross-strait relationship during a recent extensive interview with BBC. (Courtesy of PO)
Outgoing President Tsai Ing-wen said that she is pleased with her achievements over the past eight years, that Taiwan is now a part of the world and that the country is a better place to live with a thriving economy and strong technology, according to the Presidential Office May 18.
Tsai made the remarks during an exclusive interview with London-based news media, the BBC, before she stepped down from her post May 20.
Both Taiwan society and its democracy are mature enough to produce and accept a female president, Tsai said as the country’s first such leader. The country has an immigrant society and people are less bound by tradition, which facilitated moves from traditional marriage to same-sex marriage, she added.
The president said she is proud of the legalization of same-sex marriage, ahead of any other country in Asia, adding that Taiwan is now an advanced society. She also mentioned other successes during her term, such as COVID-19 management, a more financially sound pension system and a whole-society defense system.
According to Tsai, Taiwan has all the elements of a state, including a constitution, laws, a political system and a military body. The country enjoys freedom, democracy and progressive values, she said, adding that China’s misinterpretation of the U.N. resolution in the early 1970s does not apply to Taiwan’s future.
Facing threats from China, Tawan needs to increase the cost to it of any potential invasion, by strengthening military capability and working with regional friends to form a collective deterrent, Tsai said. The country’s military capability has been reinforced with investment and U.S. assistance, while other countries in the region have expressed opposition to any unilateral change of the status quo, and that peace and stability is the top priority for the region and the world, she added.
The president additionally emphasized that Taiwan has built trade and investment relationships with the rest of the world, citing the country’s importance in the global supply chain. Tsai also urged democracies to continue supporting Ukraine as such backing gave confidence to people in Taiwan. (YCH-E)
Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw

